So I realized something today.
I'm so useless ;_;
Not in the general sense, of course; there are plenty of things I can do that are useful. But in the area where it really counts, my major, I feel rather useless. There's nothing at the moment I'm particularly good at; there are certain things I'd like to learn more about, of course, but it's not to the point where I really CAN. I'm definitely utter fail at carpentry, and I'm having a hard time being original or interesting in Intro to Design... My strength lies more in looking at something rough, or an idea, and turning it into something good.
Unfortunately, that's not that useful at the moment... blaghh...
And I want to earn money next year, because my dad's no-job restriction lifts after first year. But I don't know what I"d do; the interesting jobs will be taken by Work-Study, and even if I applied, I doubt I'd get a TA job for Scene or Costume shop :/ I'm just not good enough at anything @_@ I'm better than a good many people, but with the number of positions available, I just don't quite make the cut :/
It's rather depressing.
Also, I feel like I'm giving people the impression I'm stupid because I ask for so much clarification ;_; I just don't want to do things wrong... I'm turning perfectionist.
Robert Downey Jr. Crashes SXSW
16 hours ago
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