I know I just talked about dreams, but I felt like musing a little bit more...
Recently, I've found I've wanted to go to sleep simply so I can dream, because my dreams have been so vivid and interesting... not necessarily happy; for some of them are painful, but the dream itself captures me, and I want to know more.
Although, in all my dreams recently, it's felt like I was, indirectly, the cause of someone else's pain. In the one I mentioned last time, when I was a ghost, it was painful for the people who cared about me. Each time, although not of my own volition, I caused someone's sadness. I don't think you can really see that as clearly in real life, though... to be honest; it's probably for the best - I have a huge guilt factor, and would feel so terrible about causing someone else unhappiness with my happiness, or because of something I did... and yet at the same time, I'm selfish enough to still want myself to be happy. Maybe that can be rationalized with others who care about me being happy that I'm happy, but I'm not sure whether it evens out, or how we could even be able to tell.
One of the things that gets me thinking, and probably influences my dreams, is the music I listen to. Recently, a few songs have been the ones that have been in my head - not like a song STUCK in your head, but the one that feels like it's connected to you. In many cases, though, it's more like I make a connection between the song and something not myself, and...
I don't even know where I'm going with this. Maybe I'm feeling guilty because my life seems to be going just fine, and then I think of all the other painful things happening to people, whether they exist or not (being that I care too much for fictional characters), and I wish there was something I could do to protect them...
"I always..."
Robert Downey Jr. Crashes SXSW
16 hours ago
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