I was talking with Dave today, and I was rambling on about dogs and cats.
And I told him about my Raney, and my Zoe.
My precious dogs.
Now, usually I go on about kitties and how much I love them.
But just reminiscing...
God, I miss those dogs. Raney was my guardian, from the time I was born until she died. Such a sweet Rough Collie. I wish I could go back and thank her for giving me a lifelong love of all creatures, for I do believe she started it.
Now, Simba is my angel. Zippy is my buddy. But Zoe...
Zoe was my love. That little dog couldn't be called smart, by any means. But she had the biggest heart in the world. She could never jump onto couches or beds. She'd put her paws up, wag her tail, and make you pick her up. Last week of school, 3rd grade, dad comes home with this adorable little ball of fluff. Two days after christmas, 7th grade, that adorable pile of love passes away. God, she wasn't even four years old. Shih Tzus are supposed to live 10 years, minimum, averaging 15 years. She was so, so sick. I don't know how much my parents spent for her medical costs, but for us, anything was worth it if it could keep this light in our lives just a little longer.
The day she died, I had the most horrible case of the flu. I can't remember ever being sicker, bar two days earlier (christmas day, I couldn't even be excited to open presents). That morning, it was obvious. She couldn't make it anymore. The vet saved her christmas bows for me. I still have them, in a special box on my headboard at home.
I think just talking about her today really let it sink in. I have a hard time really letting things sink in, but right now, I'd give anything to see that dog once more, or even just to know that she's in a better place.
Raney, thank you so much. I love you.
Zoe... my precious love, I hope you're happy, wherever you are. You never deserved the sickness you had. You deserve to be frolicking and chasing tiny tennis balls and jumping in giant piles of snow and not worrying about being housetrained. I love you, angel.
I love you.
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16 hours ago
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