Lots of random little things that I felt like talking about :O
So I started needlefelting today, and I'm enjoying it quite a lot!
Naturally, I broke my first needle in no time ;_; Trying to remove some felt to fix the shape of the bunny I'm working on, and bent it. Tried bending it back, and it snapped. If I was smart, I'd've used scissors...
I'm on Spring Break! I had a lovely ride home with lovely people. Being that we're all theatre majors, we listened to soundtracks and sang along. Julia and Cayla actually asked me if I'd been in choir before, which was interesting, because I've never sung in any choir x3 Maybe I should've; I'd be able to sing better :O Apparently my voice sucks less than I thought x333
Heading to the Mall of America tomorrow :D Hoping to buy some random things ^_^ I don't know if they have a craft store; I want to find it if so!
I also am still missing two keys on my keyboard... the down arrow and the 1 key. I can press the pads, but I miss the actual buttons xD So much easier when I have them...
Aggh, I'm bored now. I feel awake, but not really like doing something specific >_< Too late to take a bath, running low on computer battery...
Robert Downey Jr. Crashes SXSW
16 hours ago
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