Didn't realize how long it'd been since I last blagged (and yes, you guys still have that term stuck in my head :P)
Anyhow, this is more thanks for you guys (being that I'm pretty sure no one else reads this xD) being so awesome and cheering me up with pictures of fuzzy creatures when I'm being all balsgjdaoi. And bitching out things that have no relevance on life whatsoever is fun - the RG Kacheek's tiara really WAS awful xD
But yeah, I wish I knew why life sucks so much right now. BLARGH. Also, I can't draw recently. I can colour my old pics, but I realized that I phail at drawing... and at life, apparently.
I really need to learn to actually READ things that are required for classes... I haven't even started most of them yet. I really should. I reallllly should. But I don't know why, for some reason my head KNOWS this, but I still blow it off in order to do things that are more interesting. I'm sure that I'll still get an easy A or B in all these classes, but I feel guilty for buying the books and not reading them... (with the exception of theatre; I read and keep all those <3)
Robert Downey Jr. Crashes SXSW
16 hours ago
follow my blog friend.
this is em, btw.
check on steven's page. or maybe you already found me...idk.
balsgjdaoi? New words being invented here? lol. And let me just say, you're not the only one who puts off that reading lol. Well, then again my parents buy my books not me. But still. I find myself doing things like Facebooking or watching Chelsea Lately as opposed to reading the chapters we are working on and supposed to be reading in my classes. And I feel guilty...but then Chelsea makes a funny joke and I forget about my guilt. Haha. Once in a while, though, I do get through a chapter or two per class. It involves many "study breaks" though!
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