Once upon a time, there was a girl. The girl had a great many random friends, who were great lovers of blags. And so, eventually, long after the peak of blag mania, the girl decided to make one. Along the way, she encountered many trials and tribulations. There was a great deal of difficulty involved in choosing a URL for her blag-to-be, and she attempted to enlist the help of the DAVE. Sadly, he was rather useless, suggesting her name, her name-that-isn't, and then telling her to use "NameConfused". She was amused, yet remained unsatisfied. Finally, after testing many different combinations [and finding her favourites all taken], she decided to look into things that had left an impression on her. Thus, onlythefairytale.blogspot.com was born. "It's Only the Fairy Tale", from the epic series "My-HiME", as sung by Alyssa Searrs.
The blog was created, and the girl greatly pleased. Finally, somewhere to rant and rave at will, and to share a few choice gems from the epic amount of screenies taken during MSN chats. Somewhere to ramble, regardless of whether or not anyone actually READS the ramblings. Thus is the way of the wandering dreamer, who is currently bored as hell and not an ounce tired at nearly 2 am on a Sunday morning.
In short: It was time. I got a blag. Expect QOTD to come eventually. Screenies own your soul. And for god's sake, DON'T link it anywhere THEY will see. [and Terri_the_Girl will not come here. Period. If someone earns the right to hear it, they better be staff-worthy]
Much love, me.
Robert Downey Jr. Crashes SXSW
16 hours ago
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