It's been one of those days.
Those completely random days, where I go from being awake to asleep, from hungry to full to hungry without eating, where I (for once) am a little more quiet and reserved around others, but get hyper and energetic once I'm alone.
I've been listening to a lot of new music lately. Not new in the necessarily sense that the music is new, but in the sense that it's new to me.
I've decided that while I really like college, I'm not so sure I like how I've just been holding back, in cases where before I would've been an energetic goofball. I don't know if it's just an intrinsic worry that people need to get slowly acclimated to me, or what, but I've been incredibly quiet and reserved, which just isn't me. I don't think I like it much, but I don't think I liked being "nuts" either.
I was proud of us for finishing that podcast, BTW. Even if we did get some weird comments. Terry sounds like someone's dad? Nexy sounds 12? I think the most accurate one was me being "bubbly".
I think we should definitely release some of those bloopers though. Maybe not some of the embarrasing ones, like "The Cat Song", but the munchkin can meet people... right?
Also, I think I have a dent in my head. Anyone want to check for me? I swear I feel one.
Oh, and no matter what Dave tells you, it's a sorceress, NOT a slutty witch T_T
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4 hours ago