It's been quite a while since I posted :O I feel like I should get at least ONE June post in, yes?
Summer has been going well so far. I'm sitting at home, watching the Twins game, at an awkward angle in order to have my computer plugged into the charger...
This weekend is the fourth of July; I'm heading up to my cabin for the first time in almost two years o_O One of my dad's older sisters, her husband, their daughter, and two dogs are coming up as well, which is exciting :D But Scooter is old and sick, and that's sad :( I've known him forever, and I really want him to live forever...
It's odd, I can only think of things to write when I'm not actually attempting to write them o_O Maybe next time I'll give an art update. That sounds smart, ne?
Robert Downey Jr. Crashes SXSW
4 hours ago